Pakistan ; Story of Sacrifices..
It was a day no one can forget, be it a stranger or a relative.. Everyone felt it in their hearts...Ali's father had passed away, gone... gone to a better place, safer than this world, what was this world for him anyway? Just a jail, where he couldn't breakout, A jail where he was not allowed to practice his faith... he was in Pakistan.. his mistake? He accepted the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat. Lost in the love of his master (PBUH) he obeyed the orders and followed the Messiah He was not just killed, but murdered, brutally.. cruelly.. Those who murdered him were the "Official Muslims" , brainwashed were their minds, so were their practices...killing an innocent soul means the death of humanity, as Holy Quran states: ...Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely... (5,33) Well, but ofcourse no action was taken against the murderers, or say "Religious Saints", sole reason being ...