
Pakistan ; Story of Sacrifices..

It was a day no one can forget, be it a stranger or a relative.. Everyone felt it in their hearts...Ali's father had passed away, gone... gone to a better place, safer than this world, what was this world for him anyway? Just a jail, where he couldn't breakout, A jail where he was not allowed to practice his faith... he was in Pakistan.. his mistake? He accepted the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat.
Lost in the love of his master (PBUH) he obeyed the orders and followed the Messiah
 He was not just killed, but murdered, brutally.. cruelly.. Those who murdered him were the "Official Muslims", brainwashed were their minds, so were their practices...killing an innocent soul means the death of humanity, as Holy Quran states:

...Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely... (5,33)
Well, but ofcourse no action was taken against the murderers, or say "Religious Saints", sole reason being the victim was an Ahmadi, who in Pakistan are also termed as 'Qadiani or Infidels'...

There shall be no compulsion in religion

Family of the victim mourned, without complaining to any official because they knew that no one will hear their plea, hence they turned to their Almighty, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, the Merciful, Allah...

Now, as they prayer, tears rolled down the cheeks, tears rolled down, the sky cried, Cried for mercy, cried for justice, but No. Justice was no-where to be found, in the Islamic State of Pakistan, Sadly, but mysteriously justice is never served to any member belonging to a minority, mostly because of the pressure from the Main-stream Muslims.

Crying infront of the Lord is sall the minorities can do, Mercy is all they can ask for, Happiness is all they seek...
Pakistan is home to many minorities and Ahmadiyya sect of Islam have always been persecuted, every since the National Assembly of Pakistan played the God, by declaring their faith, calling them Infidels..But, the Ahmadiyya sect followed the true teachings of Islam & did not respond angrily, rather they put their trust in their Lord, for the Lord tests his believers with hardships.

As Pakistan moved up in the world, the rate of persecution increased, many Ahmadi's were killed in 2010, and Ahmadis residing in Karachi had to risk their lives whilst going out. At this stage, they look upon their leader, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his helper), as he called for prayers, to ask for mercy, and shake the skies with the cries, For one day God will punish the culprits, for one day Justice will prevail, not because of this worldly God, but the Lorrd of all the Lords, Allah.

Main focus of our prayers must always be to prevail Peace, because we are the Muslims for Peace.

Since 1974, Ahmadis are not allowd to act like a Muslim, or practice Islam in anyway. If they do, they'd be jailed and/or fined. but in the past 2 years twitter have made it possible for Ahmadis all across the Pakistan to help the message of Peace reach the users, Almost every month 'Islam Ahmadiyya' is found among the trends in Pakistan, UAE , Canada , UK , Germany, and Worldwide. Now, any court of Pakistan, or the Muslims can not stop this message from reaching every person.. Let's hope that the message of Peace reach every corner of the earth, be it through MTA , Alislam , Youtube , or Twitter...

Till the next post. God Bless.

"I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the earth"

Written by : Adeel Yousaf


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