
Showing posts from July, 2014


Islamic Republic of Pakitan ; A two faced nation.

Its been months since the killings of Palestinians on the hands of Israel has been going on, but no Muslim country has stood up for their brothers in Palestine. While Muslims in Pakistan protest while shouting anti-Israel slogans, they forget to look around themselves. They forget to see what they are going through, or what their Religious Scholars haves been doing in this month of Ramadhan. Amir Liaquat for one, is on a mission to destroy his own reputation. While others speak of Islam, they fail to practice it as told by Muhammad, the Last of Messengers. Who preached Love, and Harmony. Few hours back. Ahmadis in Gujranwala were attacked by a mob, and their homes were set on fire, an act many call inhumane, but majority of Muslims celebrate attacking Ahmadi Muslims, who according to the law of Pakistan are Non-Muslims, and according to the laws of Islam;  Muslims.  It is today that I realize,  Pakistan is a two-faced Nation . One for the world to see, while t...