Its been months since the killings of Palestinians on the hands of Israel has been going on, but no Muslim country has stood up for their brothers in Palestine. While Muslims in Pakistan protest while shouting anti-Israel slogans, they forget to look around themselves. They forget to see what they are going through, or what their Religious Scholars haves been doing in this month of Ramadhan. Amir Liaquat for one, is on a mission to destroy his own reputation. While others speak of Islam, they fail to practice it as told by Muhammad, the Last of Messengers. Who preached Love, and Harmony.
Few hours back. Ahmadis in Gujranwala were attacked by a mob, and their homes were set on fire, an act many call inhumane, but majority of Muslims celebrate attacking Ahmadi Muslims, who according to the law of Pakistan are Non-Muslims, and according to the laws of Islam; Muslims. It is today that I realize, Pakistan is a two-faced Nation. One for the world to see, while the other for the minorities to be afraid of. While the government of Punjab was busy fund raising for the IDPs, which is a good cause. They overlooked the situation of Ahmadis in Gujranwala.
Pakistanis were crying for Gaza, and their Muslims brothers/sisters in Palestine but forgot their own countrymen, who helped Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan to turn the dream in reality, Alas!
Children were killed today, A lady was killed today, but no one dared to speak out for them, rather they turned away, police was there, but stood there as bystanders celebrated the death of Innocents, this is not the Islamic Republic Jinnah dreamed of. The rules of war in the time of Prophet Muhammad (saw) stated : "No children, or ladies to be harmed". But today, those rules were forgotten, not just the rules of Prophet Muhammad, but all the rules and laws of Islam. It is a sad realization that the country I am a national of, has betrayed me by allowing hate speech on its television screen against the community I am a member of, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
I fear for Pakistan, and for the hypocrite leaders of her. As a Pakistani I am ashamed of my nation for it produced terrorists who cry for Palestine while killing innocents.
This was not the first times Ahmadis were targeted, on 28th May 2010, 86 Ahmadis were martyred for their faith.
I hope and pray that the victims of the attack be elevated to the highest of the status in the Heaven and may their souls Rest in Peace.
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