
Humanity ; A religion for Mankind.

It all started a very long time back, when Adam and Eves were sent to the Earth from heavens, Mankind at that time recieved a blessing of God, in the form of Adam and Eves, Adam being the first Prophet of God was a sunshine for humanity, a savior of humanity, Ever since, the blessings of God for humanity were bestowed in the form of Prophets sent from God, over the time. the last one being "The Prophet for Mankind" Muhammad ﷺ , the seal of all the Prophets.

                                                  If we look at the history of religions/faiths we find one thing in common, Love for humanity.  Jesus was sent to help the mankind regain the lost virtue of humanity, so was Abraham, and Krishna. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sent in a time, when the rays of humanity were to fade out, when raping a woman was nothing but an honour, when wine was consumed more than water, servants were mistreated, hurt and killed, in some cases. At that time, God sent Muhammad to re-ignite the lamp of Humanity, to save the mankind. He (ﷺ) did so, he fought, but with peace, he preached, but without a sword, he won, without shedding innocent blood. He restored the respect for women, and servants. He brought back the beauty of humanity, he brought back light to the mankind.
Paradise is under the feet of your mother
Today, as we look back at the last 80 years, all we can witness is violence. Clerics of the respective religions forgetting their teachings. A shame it is for to admit that the teachings of any religion in today's era are not being fully practiced, had they been practicing them, we could've been saved from the bloodshed, violence.

Whilst, there are negatives in today's world, there are many positive we can pick-up from the list, one of them being individuals preaching peace. Christians have their humble servant, Pope Francis preaching peace, to help mankind. Muslims have their Holy Caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his helper), whom the majority of Muslims across the globe are yet to accept. Both of these individuals are trying their best to preach the actual teachings of their respective religions, helping to bring mankind closer.

We, as individuals must try to stop those who are hurting humanity, and Mankind. There have been enough crisis lately in this world, this world now needs peace, Peace of mind, it will be achieved if the humanity is restored, and it starts with us, by helping each other, to build a better future, to see mankind through.
Every religion to date have taught us to be humble towards each other, each religion have taught us to help mankind and humanity.
Humanity is a religion within a religion. There are rights of humans, known as Haqooq-ul-Ibaad. If we try to achieve these rights, and help others achieve it, we might make this world a better place. It starts with us.
Every religion is united under the banner of Humanity.

"Every religion have taught one simple thing, humanity comes first" 

- First part of the series "Humanity".

Till the next post, God bless.

*Opinions are my own, and I in no way represent the official views of any community/religion/faith

Written by : Adeel Yousaf


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