Okay. So the majority of people will agree with me on "A person learns when he falls down". Yes. Indeed. We all have been there, done that. And yes, we learnt lessons too, alot of them, to be honest. Not because we love making mistakes or being on the wrong foot, but because we usually learn from our mistakes. Let's have a look at our timeline of different mistakes we've made so far ; We trusted, they cheated, we disclosed our faiths, they discriminated. We fought for peace, they misinterpreted. and the list goes on.... Remember one thing, no matter how tough the present is, it must pass by. What you lose today will help you gain something tomorrow. What we see as failures today will help us succeed in our lives, cause they say, failure is a part of our way to the top. What we see as missed opportunities , will help us gain something big , maybe a better opportunity? To Succeed , to regain our lives , to live , to be lived for . Let's hope that we collec...