
In the memory of the departed souls.

You do know this phrase, but you don't believe in it. Everyone reading this must have lost a Gem of their lives. yet they live on, many get all emotional when the anniversary scrawls into the present, many thank their Lord for what is left behind. Yet, doing all this never actually brings them (the lost ones) back to life or replace them. And this is where the Trust & Love comes in. Trust for your Lord, trust him cause you know whatever happens, happens for a reason. Love for the departed soul, because we know they'd want us to move on, with a smile.

I have not actually lost a Gem in my life so far, but unfortunately many of my friends have, and that affects me too. Because i know what it feels like. Because i know what they go through everytime they throw their heads off to sleep. I do know what it feels like when a person you love from the bottom of your heart leaves you without saying "Good Bye" or saying "I love you" , without making you feel loved.. they just leave you,to their ultimate destiny. The hereafter.

Today they are gone, Tomorrow we are history.

But remember that even if they are not here physically, they are always around. Looking at you ,smiling. Wishing to take you through this rough patch of life. They can't. You can, though. With your determination to succeed, with your heart to make them proud. Look around, you shall find them. Look around, you shall be happy. Find your destiny. Prove yourself. It is you who have to make sure that they are still there, deep inside your heart.

You don't need to cry, cheer up. Smile. Not because i am telling you, but because, they must've told you the same thing. Or, you can cry in the morning, cheer up, go out and achieve something , make them proud. Start your day with tears, and end your day with a smile. Smile cause you've made them proud. Cry cause they are not around to witness it. But,they are never away, are they? They are always there, in your memories.

I know it is hard, especially if you've lost your parents, the love of your parents is not replaceable. If you ever lose them, and you keep your head straight.Then,  I adore you. I actually do. Because that is a sign of a fighter, a rebel. Everyone is, in their own way a rebel and a fighter. But think of it this way ; You are a rebel cause you've been living for almost 9 years without your Dad, yet there's not a single day when you've not missed him, instead you miss them more. A day doesn't end without you wishing he was around, still you move on. Every second which passes, your love for him increases, and that is True Love.


May the departed souls rest in peace - Amen.


  1. I was missing my dad and I decided to read this. And it made me feel so much better. Thank you for writing this, for giving me the hope to go on through this world with my head held high. And I know coming days are going to be horribly hard for me, but this piece will keep giving me support. So jazakAllah for this. May Allah alway bless you and protect you from every bad thing in this world.


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