
A warning for the Pastor ; Stance for Humanity.

How sad it is. To make up your mind that you'll be reading a newspaper, and when you start reading it, the headline makes you all dull , saying "Pastor arrested with 2,998 Qurans before he could burn them". Yes, a Christian Pastor, Pastor of a religion which president Obama calls Peaceful. It indeed is peaceful, the point here is that even if the religion of Christianity is all Peace, there are those who defame it, Just like Islam. A religion which has its history written with all types of Persecutions from the disbelievers of Mecca, yet the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tolerated it, hence giving it the name ; "The Religion of Tolerance". Yet, some so-called Muslims defame Islam, not just Islam, but the humanity. Because Islam is a religion for humans, when they act in barbaric ways they defame Humanity in the same way they defamed Islam.

Islam & Christianity are not the only religions defamed by a minority of their practitioners , all religions are. Take Hinduism & Sikhism as example ; Their clerics abusing Islam, but their practicers praising the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) , saying that he was the Man of Peace, he was and is the only person known to this world as the Man of Peace, indeed.

Now as for the pastor, on his arrest he said, : "I wanted to burn a Quran for each life lost on 9/11" Why? Seriously, Why? Were Muslims not killed too? Were their lives not strangled in all types of controversies? Were their families not left all alone? Yes, they were. Yet, they cried, not infront of any person, but the All Knowing Lord , their God, to bring Peace back to this world. Yet the Pastor believes that burning a copy of Quran for each victim will bring Peace? I think not. Question arises, Why? Because, Muslims in the south Asian countries will destroy their own property, their own homes to protest against this unholy act, outcome ; Voilence. They will ignore the words of The Man of Peace (Prophet Muhammad) ; "Love for your country is a part of your faith". Yes. the South-Asian countries do make a fool out of themselves, not because they love being fooled, but they are being mis-led by their clerics, who are busy spreading hatred against each other.

A Warning For the Pastor; 
"O Pastor! Burning a copy of Quran will do no good to you, neither will it harm our faith. Yes, our hearts will cry, for the word of Allah be set ablaze. we will not protest in front of any worldly court, neither will be burn the flags, but we will, YES. WE WILL CRY AND PROTEST IN FRONT OF THE COURT OF ALL KNOWING LORD. Your acts might not raise any eye-brows in this world, but believe me. Believe me, in the hereafter you will be punished, to set an example."

Here, i do not represent Islam, or Muslims, but I represent the Humanity ; The Religion of Mankind. Yes, as a human, and for Humanity. Because all the religions we can find,  all the Prophets we know about were sent to help us be united under the flagship of Humanity. That's what Jesus did, that's what Jonah did, that's what Adam did, and yes, that's what Prophet Muhammad did, he proved it by his words that he is a blessing for this world.

As this post moves towards a close, let's make a call to everyone for creating Peace. Don't destroy the peace, rather destroy the line which separates us. Let's not call each other terrorists, rather work together to find the real ones, not because our religion tells us, but because.. NOW OUR WORLD NEEDS PEACE.

There is already a war going on in Syria, we don't need another one. And for all the Muslims reading it in South-Asia,  A request ; Rather than burning each other, stick together and show the world what Unity is. Cry, but infront of the Lord, not the leaders of this world. Love each other. We already have wars, we need peace. Cry. Cry for Peace.


Till the next post ; God Bless.


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