
The International Initiation Ceremony (Jalsa Salana UK)

It was a just another day for official Muslims, they were busy in their lives. Not because they were lucky. But because their government had given them the authority to be Muslims. Whilst they were busy in their worldly affairs, there stood a community. An "Official Non-Muslim" community, or as many would say, #TheWrongKindOfMuslims. They were constitutional Kafirs (Non-Believers). Their fault? They believed in the Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him).
For Ahmedi Muslims , it was a day to renew their faiths, to increase their love for Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)  and their beloved Lord, the ever "Merciful Allah". It was the last day of #JalsaUK 2013. The day when all the Ahmadi Muslims worldwide renew their faith.
Many were unable to attend the Jalsa Salana. But once again the Prophecy of Promised Messiah showed its significance, "I Shall Cause thy message to Reach the corners of the Earth" , and Muslim Television Ahmadiyya. Millions of Ahmadis were glued to their TV screens, to catch a glimpse of their Beloved Caliph (May Allah be his Helper) as he was about to enter largest marquee in the Europe.
Those were five minutes which lasted for an eternity. Imam of The London Mosque (Oldest in London) was helping the attendees rehearse the words of initiation. Finally, that moment arrived. His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his Helper) entered the Marquee, Held the microphone in his hand, and said "May the Blessings of Allah be on you". There was an echo. Echo was the reply. Every single person present replied with respect, and dignity.
Ahmadi Muslims renewing their faiths on the hand of Masroor (May Allah be his Helper)

The Initiation ceremony started ;

"- أشهدُ أنْ لا إلهَ إلاَّ الله - I bear witness that there is no God but Allah."; Mirza Marsoor Ahmed (May Allah be his helper) witnessed.
We could feel the floor moving, as if an earthquake just struck. It actually did, not naturally. But in the hearts of millions of the followers of "The Man of Peace".
Tears rushed through everyone's eyes. Hearts trembled when His Holiness reached "O my Lord, my Allah. i wronged my soul and confess all my sins Pray forgive me my sins for there is none else except thee to forgive" Souls were terrified, hearts frightened. Eyes red. All the souls were crying in front of Allah, when The Khalifa of Islam called for Sajdah-e-Shukr. I could hear others cry their hearts out. Out there in Jalsa Gah about 31,205 Ahmadis were crying in front of Allah for their lives to be peaceful, whilst Millions were crying back home watching it live on MTA International. Such was the unity of the community. I had never imagined what it'd be like to be in front of The Man of God and cry with him at the same time like him. It was more of a dream come true.
I want to end this post, by Thanking the Almight Allah. The Khalifa of Islam for keeping us united under his supervision and all the Ahmadi brothers who attended the Jalsa themselves to make it a successful event. And last but not the least, The MTA International Team, we know what they went through in past 3 months.
May God Bless every Ahmadi.



  1. Beautifully written mashAllah, I think you have expressed all of our sentiments here about what we were feeling while the Ba'ait was going on. May Allah bless all of us and may we become even better Muslims than we were before inshAllah.


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