
The Syrian War ; Another blame game or Prophecies fulfilled?*

As we live our lives , thousands lose theirs in Syria, the cause? We don't know yet. Many say it is because of another blame game started by the President Obama. I disagree. This (The Syrian War) was seen coming a long time back, when there was no Obama, no Peace prize and ofcouse, no United States of America.

 It was seen coming at a time when the human minds couldn't think of what is an atom bomb, or what is a drone missile, it was foretold in the Holy Bible ,  then the Prophet Muhammad and about 120 years ago by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India. He stated, as i Quote;

" Then there will be a great uprising in the world. That would be the first uprising. Kings will envade kings, there will be so much bloodshed that the earth will be filled with blood. The subjects of all kings will also fight fearfully among themselves. There will be universal ruin and destruction and the centre of all this will be Syria
(Tadkaratul Mehdi , Part 2 , New Ed. Pg#274)

When the statement above was published in late 1890's, the opponents of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad mocked him, laughed at him and called him names, because at that time, Syria was as peaceful as a Garden full of roses in the season of Spring. What terrified the opponents were the after-effects, since then to date, Syria indeed has been the land of bloodshed. Opponents now don't know how to react, surprised. Nowadays when we read the newspapers we see the position of Syria, where thousands of innocent kids and grown-ups are killed for no reason. Syria attacking her own Nationals with the chemical weapons define the word Barbarism. They are punishing themselves, if not others. Defaming themselves.

Stance of the Holy Bible about Syria;

As a Muslim i believe in the Holy Bible to be the word of God, and you must too. as per the Pillars of Faith we all accept the books of God, and Bible is no different. God states in (Isaiah , 17:1)

"The Burden of Damascus.
Damascus is taken away from being a city,
and it shall be a ruinous heap."

Even though, what we strive for is Peace, it can not be gained until we remove the culprits & punish them, those funding this war must step aside and allow the Prince of Peace (Mirza Masroor Ahmad) to lead an "Army of Peace"  to take over this violent world. To allow every human live their life peacefully. To be united with a Group of the Ummat-e-Muhammadi. As i state this hadeeth ;

"If the people of Shaam (Syria) are corrupted there is no good in you, there will always be a group of my Ummah that will be victorious and they will not be harmed by those who humiliate them until the hour comes"

Now is the right time to recognize the Reformer and his Group to bring Peace. The prophecies are fulfilled to their extend, now is our time to step up and remove the pain  for a better future, as a United Group in the Ummah of Muhammad (saw).

Our grandparents or maybe great-grandparents have seen the destruction of the World War II.. we obviously don't need the third one. If you don't believe me, watch the news. We are living in a dangerous time, the Question is, Why are we tested here? Answer is simple ; All the believers are tested in their lifetime, we are no different, the God is ever-merciful and with open arms and tears of Joy he will receive all who will come to him in faith & in love.. It's the Promise of God.

And for the world leaders trying to spread violence in Syria, All i can say is ; "May the God guide you to the path of righteous", because what you all are doing is not what Humanity needs, neither does Syria. Killing innocent kids is not what Christianity and Islam taught, what these two religions does teach are the basic principals of Peace .As Allah states in Quran ;

"There is no compulsion in religion"

Please, before killing the innocent kids, allow them to ask one question. Why? You don't have the answer, no one does.

On the concluding note ; The Prophecies regarding Syria have already been fulfilled , to an extend.. let's stop war. Prosper Peace.


May the Almighty bring peace in Syria.

*(I in no case represent the Ahmadiyya Community. The opinions are my own and in no way represent the stance of Ahmadiyya Community.)


  1. I like the way you've linked things together.

    However I dislike the material being used.

    As Ahmadi Muslims we believe in a Prophet (s) his Messiah and Mahdi (a) and his Khulafa.

    If for any verse of the Holy Qur'an there is a Prophetic Tafseer/commentary found in books of Ahadith we adopt it without second thought, because we have no right to make any sorts of commentaries..no authority over the Holy Prophet (s).

    Similarly, if there's a Prophecy/Revelation which was given to the Promised Messiah (as) it is our duty to accept his very own interpretation rather than interpreting things into it ourselves..I mean who are we again? We aren't prophets...we have no authority.

    Now if there is not a commentary by the Messiah regarding a revelation to him...we have to let his Spiritual Son (the Khalifa of the Time) decide what the actual meaning is. Remember the Khalifa is guided directly by God, he is the closest of all people to God...and therefore his interpretation would be the closest to the truth. We are no one. Nothing. And have no authority...(as a 17yr old it might bug you for a bit that you're no one...but hey I'm 19and I'm over it..less than a piece of dust in the alley way of Muhammad (s))...
    I mention this because you wrote about certain revelations found in the Tadhkirah of the Imam al-Mahdi (as)...who may have nothing to do with the crisis of Syria today. Remember the khutbah about 2 weeks ago?...Hudhur Aqdas (aba) connected a different to it..meaning his interpretation and commentary is that which we have to accept. In other words I'm not saying the prophecy you mentioned is not related but until the Representative of the Imam of the Age connects it...we have no right to connect it ourselves and should therefore just be silent on it and do what Ahmadis do best...recite Durood :-)


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