

"If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make." - Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (11th August 1947).

The text above was taken from the excerpts of the historic address of Quaid-e-Azam on 11th August 1947, venue ; Minto Park (Now Iqbal Park), Lahore. Where he addressed the minorities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , not directly though. He had a dream, a dream of an Islamic State which respects all the religions and faith. A dream which is yet to come true. Not because that the Islamic State was never formed, but because the State formed was taken over by the so-called Muslims. They played the role of the God, declared the reciters of Holy Quran non-muslims, while doing so, they did not only decided the faith of thousands of Ahmadi Muslims, they also called upon Allah to send the great punishment to their homeland.Now, the question arises, how is this Pakistan not what Jinnah dreamt of, right? Well, what he dreamt of was an "Islamic State" with freedom of religion, without the courts or the dictators butting in to play the role of the God. What he also wanted to see in this nation was unity, which (sadly) is no-where close to the residents of Pakistan. The smallest of brawls turn into a life-taking accident, (take Shahzeb Murder Case , as an example.)Now, what he did wanted to see was the "Pakistani's" hugging each other with pride, regardless of their faith, religion, race or color. What he wanted us to do was to be on the right path. Not because he was a non-muslim, but cause he was a Muslim. A Muslim who practiced what the True Islam teaches us (To respect all the religions, no compulsion in religions) . What he practiced was what the world looked at. He took all the Pride of Muslims to give them a country, where they could practice their faith, call for prayers, and live a life in peace. If he was alive today, he'd cry, relentlessly in front of the Lord, to have mercy on this nation. Just like The Prophet of Peace (PBUH) cried for the People of Ta'if. This is not what we were meant to be, atleast Quaid-e-Azam never wanted the world to look at us as a "Terrorist" country, or a country where terrorists are made. He had one dream, unity. This dream will remain a dream, as long as the Prince of Peace (May Allah be his helper) doesn't return to Pakistan. Because that's what unity is about. To listen every command and try to work according to it.It is a shame, to say that the Residence of our founder was bombed down. His pictures were torn. His respect, gone. Those who wished to help, tried. They were killed. Many are there, ready to sacrifice their lives for their founder. I end this post, with a glance of hope. Let's pledge to make this nation a proud nation. Just like Dr Abdus-Salam did. Just like Sir Zafarullah Khan did. Follow the positives, ignore the negatives.



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