
Gender Equality ; Orders obeyed.

The orders of Quran were obeyed. Genders were equalized, rights given to everyone, be it a woman, a man , a widow or an Old person. Everyone had their freedom of speech, freedom to practice their faith, to call themselves whatever they want to.

Accordingly, Muslims of that era followed the footsteps of their Master, Muhammad (ﷺ),  the master who taught them to give the equal rights to their opposite genders, to respect their privacy. Women of that era excelled in love, unity & leadership. Leading from the front was the "Mother of Believers ; Hazrat Khadeejah", the pure lady, who in her 40's had a stronghold of the trading in Arabia. To follow her footsteps were many women who had their head held up, why not? They were standing right next to their counterparts in terms of equality, they knew the future was going to be bright.

Muslims heard the Prophet and obeyed, Muslims heard the words of Allah and obeyed, obeyed in such way no one ever has.

"Woman was created from the rib of man.She was not made from his head to be above him, nor was she made from his feet be trampled on.She was created out of his side to equal him, under his arm to be protected by him and near his heart to be loved by him"
Since the time of Prophet Muhammad ( ﷺ), women started helping out men in their daily lives, from taking part in a war to helping the wounded soldiers, the women of Islam held the respect & equality which was never given to them before, as before the time of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) they were mocked, made fun of and sadly, mistreated. There was a time when women were disheartened by their mockery, the Arab men used them harshly, then came the Prophet of Humanity (ﷺ). Which changed it for them, and for mankind. He taught men to treat women equally , they obeyed. He taught women to tolerate, they obeyed. and women reached the peaks, peaks in "Love for Islam" , "Love for Humanity". There was a time when Muslims women fought for their rights, Hazrat Aisha (ra) is a noble example. The woman who followed the orders of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Muslim women since the time of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) started serving Islam and Humanity ; in different ways, some took up the medicines to cure whilst some dedicated their lives for the sake of Humanity, Islam. Women , at the same time had the responsibility to run their families, they did that perfectly. While Men were away to earn a bread, women were busy upbringing the next generations. They do it to date. Indeed. They serve for the cause of Humanity, so that the generations to come could know what love is.

Sadly, in this era. There are men who think it is against the law of Islam to let a Woman work or help others. It is not (In my opinion). Islam is a religion of freedom. Religion of Equality. There are women raped everyday, in Pakistan , in other countries, which is sad but alarming. It shows how the Muslims and Humans of today have forgotten the beautiful teaching of Islam. Western countries follow the lead. The governments are busy trying to ban the Veil, The Veil which was wore by Mary the mother of Jesus( PBUH). Veil which is a sign of self-respect and privacy. These countries call for Equality of Genders, yet try to ban the veil. Let's hope that they learn something from the teachings of Islam & Quran.

Till the next post ; God Bless.



  1. Women are truly one of God's most remarkable creations. The strength and courage women possess is not less than any man. Islam and the Holy Prophet saw were the first to grant women their rights. Hazrat Khadija ra, a businesswoman, first female convert to Islam. Hazrat Ayesha ra, the most learned female scholar of Islam, so much so that Muslims were instructed to learn half their faith from her. Through the ages Muslim women have fought and worked alongside men. In the modern day One of the scientists, working with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is an Ahmadi woman.
    Unfortunately it is ill informed Muslim men who today are busy trying to snatch these rights away from women. Trying to create gender inequality. But as long as there are men like you who keep raising your voice for gender equality, those others will not succeed. Insha'Allah. keep writing and thanks again for taking my suggestions.


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