
Showing posts from 2013


Humanity ; A religion for Mankind.

It all started a very long time back, when Adam and Eves were sent to the Earth from heavens, Mankind at that time recieved a blessing of God, in the form of Adam and Eves, Adam being the first Prophet of God was a sunshine for humanity, a savior of humanity, Ever since, the blessings of God for humanity were bestowed in the form of Prophets sent from God, over the time. the last one being "The Prophet for Mankind" Muhammad ï·º , the seal of all the Prophets.                                                   If we look at the history of religions/faiths we find one thing in common, Love for humanity.  Jesus was sent to help the mankind regain the lost virtue of humanity, so was Abraham, and Krishna. Prophet Muhammad ï·º was sent in a time, when the rays of humanity were to fade out, when raping a woman was nothing but an honour, when wine was consumed m...

Pakistan ; Story of Sacrifices..

It was a day no one can forget, be it a stranger or a relative.. Everyone felt it in their hearts...Ali's father had passed away, gone... gone to a better place, safer than this world, what was this world for him anyway? Just a jail, where he couldn't breakout, A jail where he was not allowed to practice his faith... he was in Pakistan..  his mistake? He accepted the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat. Lost in the love of his master (PBUH) he obeyed the orders and followed the Messiah  He was not just killed, but murdered, brutally.. cruelly.. Those who murdered him were the "Official Muslims" , brainwashed were their minds, so were their practices...killing an innocent soul means the death of humanity, as Holy Quran states: ...Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely... (5,33) Well, but ofcourse no action was taken against the murderers, or say "Religious Saints", sole reason being ...

Pakistan ; Islamic Republic of Persecution?

"And for all religion We have appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. For your god is one God, so to Him submit." (Al Quran , 22:34) As millions celebrated Eid-ul-Adha (The Eid of Sacrifice) , there were some who decided to show their true colors, whilst Muslims were celebrating the Holy occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, there were two families of Ahmadiyya Sect of Islam, who were busy preparing for the sacrifice, because they read the same kalma as other Muslims do. Believe in oneness of God, just like any other Muslim. But, there came a turn in the tale, when Clerics of Islam declared that "Qadianis -Mirzais are not Muslims and can not perform this ritual of sacrifice" As they called out other so-called Muslims to mock the Ahmadi's performing the 'Ritual of Sacrifice' , police were called too. Police took the charge and stopped the Ahmadi Muslims from performing...

What did they think ?

What did they think? Before calling us infidels?  Did they think that they will succeed? Yes, they did. Did they think it will stop us? No. Cause God's with us. They thought the message will stop. But No. That's just the beginning, the message will reach the corners , as God promised "I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the earth" . All they did was turn themselves away. They erased our kalma whilst we practiced it. Little did they knew, how much it hurt. Take our name, our dignity, but don't take our kalma away. That's our belief, that's your belief.   You think we are infidels? No, we are not. We preach the message of peace, whilst you practice extremism. We pray for you , whilst you plan to kill us. That's what Prophet (ï·º) taught us to do, What did they think? Before calling us infidels, before beheading us? May God guide them, as we pray. May God have mercy on them, as we cry. Once they die, May God ask them, What d...

In Love of "The Chosen One"

As you waved at us, our hearts stopped. As you smiled, our hearts flattered,  O, Masroor, you sent a wave down to our hearts, we cried as you smiled.  It was nothing, but plain love. Love for the Lord, love for his messenger.  You were there, in front of us, preaching peace. All we could do was smile, smile and cry. You showed us how to react when our loved ones died. You taught us how to love, when our foes tried. You are someone we always looked up at, you are "The Chosen One" who lead us to the path of righteous.  "The Chosen One"

Gender Equality ; Orders obeyed.

The orders of Quran were obeyed. Genders were equalized, rights given to everyone, be it a woman, a man , a widow or an Old person. Everyone had their freedom of speech, freedom to practice their faith, to call themselves whatever they want to.

Gender Equality ; as Islam teaches it

"I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man or women ; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)" Hadith of At-tirmithi , the true kinds of believers and their actions As we all know, Islam is a religion of peace and  tolerance.. What others don't know, well most of them don't know is that Islam also teaches the Equality.. The most important one being the  "Gender Equality" . Gender Equality is one of the most debated topic in the current era. Western governments and nations say that they are first ones to bring this topic up. Well, they are wrong, Muslims were taught to treat men and women equally. Women were given the highest rank , as Prophet Muhammad said "Heaven is under the feet your mother" - The rank they could not think of in those days, the days when they were mistreated, used , abused. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood up and raised the value of women within the society, he himself showe...

The Syrian War ; Another blame game or Prophecies fulfilled?*

As we live our lives , thousands lose theirs in Syria, the cause? We don't know yet. Many say it is because of another blame game started by the President Obama. I disagree. This (The Syrian War) was seen coming a long time back, when there was no Obama, no Peace prize and ofcouse, no United States of America.  It was seen coming at a time when the human minds couldn't think of what is an atom bomb, or what is a drone missile, it was foretold in the Holy Bible ,  then the Prophet Muhammad and about 120 years ago by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India. He stated, as i Quote; "  Then there will be a great uprising in the world. That would be the first uprising. Kings will envade kings, there will be so much bloodshed that the earth will be filled with blood. The subjects of all kings will also fight fearfully among themselves. There will be universal ruin and destruction and the centre of all this will be Syria "  (Tadkaratul Mehdi , Part 2 , New Ed. Pg#274) ...

In the memory of the departed souls.

You do know this phrase, but you don't believe in it. Everyone reading this must have lost a Gem of their lives. yet they live on, many get all emotional when the anniversary scrawls into the present, many thank their Lord for what is left behind. Yet, doing all this never actually brings them ( the lost ones ) back to life or replace them. And this is where the Trust & Love comes in. Trust for your Lord, trust him cause you know whatever happens, happens for a reason. Love for the departed soul, because we know they'd want us to move on, with a smile . I have not actually lost a Gem in my life so far, but unfortunately many of my friends have, and that affects me too. Because i know what it feels like. Because i know what they go through everytime they throw their heads off to sleep. I do know what it feels like when a person you love from the bottom of your heart leaves you without saying " Good Bye " or saying " I love you " , without making you ...

A warning for the Pastor ; Stance for Humanity.

How sad it is. To make up your mind that you'll be reading a newspaper, and when you start reading it, the headline makes you all dull , saying "Pastor arrested with 2,998 Qurans before he could burn them". Yes, a Christian Pastor, Pastor of a religion which president Obama calls Peaceful. It indeed is peaceful, the point here is that even if the religion of Christianity is all Peace, there are those who defame it, Just like Islam. A religion which has its history written with all types of Persecutions from the disbelievers of Mecca, yet the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tolerated it, hence giving it the name ; " The Religion of Tolerance ". Yet, some so-called Muslims defame Islam, not just Islam, but the humanity. Because Islam is a religion for humans, when they act in barbaric ways they defame Humanity in the same way they defamed Islam. Islam & Christianity are not the only religions defamed by a minority of their practitioners , all religions are. ...

The beginning where Humanity dies.

"Sexual Desires? Okay. Let's destroy a girl's life, perhaps her future." - Thoughts of a rapist seconds before committing the filthy crime.  You must be thinking, it is set somewhere in a village where illiterates live, but let me prove you wrong - This is what it is like in the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" , The country which has its pillars built on the word "Respect". But, the Pakistan of today shows no signs of that "Respect" to even a 5 Year of Girl.    What did they get out of it? Their frustration gone? If there was any. How about the Little Angel? Who lost her respect, dignity at an age no one could think. At an age of 5. 5 years old kid raped? Seriously? Her crime? She was too much of an angel. Too much of a fairy. She provoked the rapists of her father's age? I think not. It is the environment which plays an important part. There have been many rape cases before (1509) to be exact in the Punjab province, no action. A...


"If you change your past and work together in a spirit that everyone of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his colour, caste or creed, is first, second and last a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make. " - Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (11th August 1947). The text above was taken from the excerpts of the historic address of Quaid-e-Azam on 11th August 1947, venue ; Minto Park ( Now Iqbal Park ), Lahore. Where he addressed the minorities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , not directly though. He had a dream, a dream of an Islamic State which respects all the religions and faith. A dream which is yet to come true. Not because that the Islamic State was never formed, but because the State formed was taken over by the so-called Muslims. They played the role of the God, declared the reciters of Holy Quran no...


Okay. So the majority of people will agree with me on "A person learns when he falls down". Yes. Indeed. We all have been there, done that. And yes, we learnt lessons too, alot of them, to be honest. Not because we love making mistakes or being on the wrong foot, but because we usually learn from our mistakes. Let's have a look at our timeline of different mistakes we've made so far ; We trusted, they cheated, we disclosed our faiths, they discriminated. We fought for peace, they misinterpreted. and the list goes on....  Remember one thing, no matter how tough the present is, it must pass by. What you lose today will help you gain something tomorrow. What we see as failures today will help us succeed in our lives, cause they say, failure is a part of our way to the top. What we see as missed opportunities , will help us gain something big , maybe a better opportunity? To Succeed , to regain our lives , to live , to be lived for . Let's hope that we collec...

The International Initiation Ceremony (Jalsa Salana UK)

It was a just another day for official Muslims, they were busy in their lives. Not because they were lucky. But because their government had given them the authority to be Muslims. Whilst they were busy in their worldly affairs, there stood a community. An "Official Non-Muslim" community, or as many would say, #TheWrongKindOfMuslims . They were constitutional Kafirs (Non-Believers). Their fault? They believed in the Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) . For Ahmedi Muslims , it was a day to renew their faiths, to increase their love for Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وسلم)   and their beloved Lord, the ever "Merciful Allah". It was the last day of #JalsaUK  2013. The day when all the Ahmadi Muslims worldwide renew their faith. Many were unable to attend the Jalsa Salana. But once again the Prophecy of Promised Messiah showed its significance, "I Shall Cause thy message to Reach the corners of the Earth" , and Muslim Television Ahmadiyya. Millions of A...

Jalsa Salana UK (Concluding session)


Reflection of media on our society

"Media of one's nation describes the capability of his nation" - Unknown. As a child whilst in the stage of growing up, it was nothing but just another phrase for me. Not knowing the power of media, i always used to ignore it as just another creepy thing. Now, i think otherwise. It is indeed the media which helps the world know about a nation, for instance, In Egypt, the media is not showing what actually is happening.. #EgyptMassacre   , had the media showed what the Egyptian are actually going through, the story could've been different. Same goes for #Pakistan .. It indeed is the media which reflects a society. It indeed is the media which shows a generation after another which path to lead, and how to live the life. It is the media which describes a nation. When, we try to look around, we see the European media attracting the whole world towards it, through Peace. While our nation stands still. Recently, a person took over the lives of billions of citizens i...

Why we fail as a nation. (Fictional)

By the time we reached there, the stadium was almost full..with very less seats left to our right side, we decided that we'll be listening to Imran Khan's speech whilst standing..The atmosphere was not of any ordinary 'Jalsas' which used to take place here in Lahore.. We could feel it.. It was something. different.. Maybe a chapter of history being written with Golden ink. At last, the 'Kaptaan' himself was there, standing, waving, smiling. He had the charisma which others didn't, the charisma to inspire the youth of this nation, mainly because he being the only Pakistani captain to win a "World Cup". "Mere Pakistaniou (My Pakistani's)" , he shouted, making the crowd roar like Lions (incidentally, Vote symbol of his opponent party).  ... "Pakistaniou, aaj tum logon ko kuch baatain bataoun? (Pakistanis , shall I tell you something today?)".. bringing the stadium to a stand-still. It felt like as if someone have switched...

The Prophet of Peace (PBUH)

There comes a time in a person's life.. when they need to look back for inspiration. To find the eternal peace. To fall in love. To feel the humility of one's love. When I look back.. I try to find inspiration (like everyone else). And I always do find inspiration. Not because I believe in being inspired, but because The Prophet of Peace (PBUH) inspire me. The eternal love he had for this world, this life is exceedingly high... The reason Allah once called upon him, as Quran states ;  " And We have not sent you, [ O Muhammad ], except as a mercy to the worlds." (21;107). It was The Messenger of Peace (PBUH) who created awareness for this world. It was he, who showed the right path to the mankind, through the words of "The Merciful God"... It was he, who raised the standards of Arabs, who were once lost in the inhumane activities.. It was he, who restored the respect of women.. which was once lost as a tradation.. It was he , who showed the Mercy towards h...